Help Us Name Our New Elementary School

Help Us Name Our New Elementary School
Help Us Name Our New Elementary SchoolConstruction has begun on our newest elementary school, located in East Pikeland Township and we are now seeking community input on the name of the new building. We are hoping to settle on a name that is emblematic of the community of East Pikeland and the district as a whole, while serving as a memorable and distinct marker of this new part of the PASD legacy. In addition to the building, there are two roadways to be named on the property.

All nominations should fall within one of the following categories:

• named after historic locations in East Pikeland and/or PASD, county, or state
• named after individuals with significant contributions to the district, county, state and/or education (deceased and/or separated from the district by 5 or more years)
• named after local historic events/emblems/themes

All nominations should also include a short narrative indicating why you think this is a good name.

You may submit multiple building names, but please do in a separate entry.

A committee will review all nominations and come up with a "short list" that will be sent back to the community for a vote. The top choices will be reviewed again by the committee and the top three will be presented to the School Board for the final decision.

We thank you for your participation and support as we start this new chapter of PASD history!

Submit your name recommendation.

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